send email

A message from "CeramArts(セラムアーツ)"
Message from Keiko, CEO of CeramArts LLC
Thank you for sending image files for decals.
Please type your name and mail address, and drag&drop image files into the bottom box on this page.
Decal images will be returened within a few business days.
Your Name(Required)
Your Email(Required)
Recipient's Name(Required) CeramArts(セラムアーツ)
Recipient's Email(Required)
Attachment Files(Required) Max 10 Files
File 1:
File 2:
File 3:
File 4:
File 5:
File 6:
File 7:
File 8:
File 9:
File 10:
add file

confirm  * It is possible that it takes a few minute when you send large files. is a file transfer service managed by Seeds Co.,Ltd.